Hashnode or Github Pages
So I've been spending these few days surveying how I want to present myself, the platform, I mean.
I've been looking into several static site hosting and static site generator that I can use, especially those that includes blogging capabilities.
And since I'm spending most of my time on mobile, I'd like to find something easy to update on a mobile level. Whether a quick website or a dedicated Android app.
Oh wow, I'm typing this article on the web version of Hashnode and I'm pretty impressed by their built-in Grammarly suggestion. I noticed that they have AI tools as well to improve my writing.
Well, this may be the tie-breaker. Initially, I am more interested in Github Pages because the notion of having all my resources under one git is enticing. And also I'm quite starstruck by their various themes. Hashnode doesn't do well in theming, although they did have options for custom CSS. Hmm, maybe it's an opportunity for me to practice my CSS skills here on Hashnode later.